The historical material held until recently at the North of England A.A. Office at Dewsbury has now been placed in the care of the West Yorkshire Archive Service, and after cataloguing is completed should be available to researchers in the New Year. It covers most aspects of the history of the North of England A.A. from 1992 to this year; it also has a considerable amount of material from the predecessor organisations, the Northern Counties’ A.A. and Northern Counties Women’s A.A., from the 1960s onwards, though this is not complete. In addition there is extensive coverage of the Northern Men’s Track & Field League from the 1960s onwards, some material from the parallel Women’s League, and results from the Northern Cross-Country Association and Northern Women’s Cross-Country Association Championships. A provisional catalogue is available from the N.E.A.A. on request; a full catalogue with reference numbers will be available later.
The normal place for consulting the material will be at the WYAS, Kirklees office which has been selected in preference to the Service’s other offices as it is most easily accessible by public transport, close to the motorway network, and has good parking facilities.
However the records are being housed at the new storage facilities of WYAS at Morley, therefore anyone wishing to use the material will therefore need to contact the Archive Service at Huddersfield Library and Art Gallery, Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2SU at least before 3.30 p.m. on the day before any projected visit; this will allow the required material to be brought from the store to the Library for use.
The map below shows the location of the library, together with public transport facilities and adjacent car-parks.
Material will be kept at Huddersfield by arrangement for an agreed period for people undertaking a longer study.
The intention is to expand the archive whenever possible. John Lunn, who has done the preliminary cataloguing, has agreed to be the N.E.A.A. contact for historical material, and would be interested to hear about any collection that people involved with clubs and other organisation may have and wish to see stored safely. He is already in contact with the Yorkshire County A.A about archiving their records, and would be willing to advise any person or Club about how to go about the process, and where it would be appropriate for records to be stored. He is also trying to find out where any other material is held, and intends to make this information available through the N.E.A.A. and WYAS.